DIY Smart Saw

The DIY Smart Saw Takes a Drawing and Turns It from Paper into Wood Just by Pushing a Button

It's the only ultra-precise
wood carving machine
that can spit-out unique, personalized
pieces of woodwork

DIY Smart Saw

Here's What People are Saying

About It

My wife wanted a new dressing table with a wide
mirror so bad... The thing is... we couldn't afford
the one she liked. So I decided to build it for her.
I used the Smart Saw to make all the parts and put
it together all by myself. I gave it to her on the
night of our anniversary and her eyes started to
tear up. Thank you for giving me the possibility to
make my wife feel like that.

Bruce H. - Sarasota FL

I never thought creating something out of wood can
be this easy. I just pick the design, sit back and
watch the Smart Saw go to work or I do some chores
around the house while it's carving out my project.
Thanks for this awesome program.

Jamie J. - New Hope TX

I just wanted to let you know that I really
appreciate your program. I built some pretty amazing
things using my Smart Saw. Every time somebody comes
by I show off my projects and see the looks on their
faces change.

Mike J. - Ketchum ID

I'm so excited about my Smart Saw. As a newbie
woodworker, when I finished putting it together I
felt ready to make anything I want. Now I even wake
up early to make new projects every day. It's almost
therapeutic to me.

Greg B. - Atlanta GA

I made my kids a rocking horse and now they ask me
to make them new toys all the time. I never thought
they'd ever give up the iPad for some old-school
toys but I guess I was wrong....

Dave O. - Dallas TX

Jewelry Box, CNC Machine, Woodwork Details

How Does It Work?

Imagine a sharp sculpting tool hooked up to your computer or laptop.
It moves from front to back, left to right and up and down depending
on what the computer commands it.

DIY Smart Saw Mechanism

The mechanism is so simple you can put it together by yourself in no
time. Usually woodcarving machines like the Smart Saw cost tens of
thousands of dollars. But if you follow this simple step by step
digital guide
1 you'll
build a DIY Smart Saw right from the first try even if you never
held a hammer before.

DIY Smart Saw DVD and Manual

Here's How Easy It Is to Follow The DIY Smart Saw Program:

Get the DIY Smart Saw Right Now
60 days money back guarantee

If You Order
Today, You'll Also Receive an Exclusive

101 Woodworking - a special video training. This short video guide
shows you exactly how to use your Smart Saw and create the designs
you want.

101 Woodworking DVD

You're Covered by Our 60 Days Money Back Guarantee - No Questions

60 days money back guarantee

Watch this short and simple video. Assemble your machine... and if
you can't get the job done just from our program you have 60 full
days to return it and you'll get your money back ASAP
questions asked and no hard feelings. I figure that's enough time to
go through the material, test it out and decide if it's right for

DIY Smart Saw and 101 Woodworking Bundle

Get instant access right now

Got Questions? We Have the Answers

Q: What
type of computer do I need to operate a Smart Saw?

A: The
Smart Saw works on any kind of computer. You can also use a laptop.

If you can connect it to the internet, then you can operate a CNC
machine. It doesn't matter if it's an Apple, a Microsoft computer, a
Linux, or anything else.


Q: How
much does it cost to build a Smart Saw?

A: The
Smart Saw you'll see in the video cost only $500. That's because all
the parts were brand new. You can actually put one together for
under $160. It all depends on how much you want to spend on your
parts. You can even make it from scraps using printer motors and old
car parts.


Q: How
quickly will I learn to use it?

A: Just
watch a 10-minute video once and you'll be able to carve out your
design. You can learn to use the Smart Saw in no time. The time it
takes for you to draw up your design however... will vary.


Q: Will
I need any tools?

A: Right
from the very start of the program you'll see a complete list of
tools you'll need to put together the Smart Saw. However, you'll
never have to use any tools to carve out your designs if you use the
Smart Saw. All you have to do is push a button and your design will
come out in a couple of minutes.
Get The DIY Smart Saw Right Now
60 days money back guarantee
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please email us at